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Meet Our Doctors

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors who make Valley Optometric Group a proud provider of vision care products and services in Modesto.

Dr. Warren Kennedy

Dr. Warren Kennedy

Before moving to Fremont, California, Dr. Kennedy originated from Denver, Colorado, where he graduated from Washington High School. After attending Ohlone College, he transferred to the University of California, where he did undergraduate work.

Dr. Kennedy graduated from the University of California Berkeley School of Optometry in 1977 and has lived and worked in Modesto since 1979. Dr. Kennedy is experienced in family vision care, contact lenses, and LASIK co-management. He is TPA certified.

Dr. Kennedy’s passions are tropical fish, raising dairy and meat goats, and collecting toy trains. He has 3 children and is an active member of the Kiwanis of Greater Modesto.

Dr. Brandon Wong

Dr. Brandon Wong

Dr. Wong was born in Stockton, California, where he graduated from Lincoln High School. He is a proud alumnus of the University of California, Davis where he received his Bachelor of Science in Biology. Dr. Wong went on to attend the Southern California College of Optometry at Marshal B. Ketchum University and received his Doctor of Optometry degree in 2015.

Dr. Wong’s clinical internships included Veterans Affairs Yuma Clinic, Tucson Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and abroad in Naval Hospital Yokosuka in Japan. Through his experience in these clinics, he learned the value of personalized, assertive ocular healthcare. Dr. Wong’s services include family vision care, soft and specialty contact lenses, LASIK co-management, and management of ocular disease, including glaucoma.

In his free time, Dr. Wong enjoys tinkering with his computers, playing with his daughter, and hosting barbecues with his family.

Dr. Laura Young

Dr. Young is a native of Oakland, California, and grew up in Livermore, where she graduated from high school. She attended the University of California, Davis and then graduated from the University of California Berkeley School of Optometry in 1977. She has been practicing optometry in Modesto since 1979. Dr. Young is experienced in family vision care, contact lenses, and LASIK co-management. She is TPA certified.

Dr. Young loves to collect cookbooks, read, do needlework, and spend time with her 3 children she shares with her husband, Dr. Warren Kennedy.